As you all know, Uzima Women Relief Group International has been running with your support. We are formalizing our membership. Some of you are among the 30 volunteers trained to undertake assignments to empower women and communities in developing countries.
Membership Benefits:
1. All members will be able to vote on motions during meetings as well as during election of Board members. Each member will carry one vote. Those in good standing will be eligible to run for Board of Director positions in accordance with By-laws.
2.Community membership:
As well as the above privileges, membership gives you an opportunity to reach out to other community members, national and international networks and demonstrate your commitment to their needs.
3. Group membership:
-Opportunity to network and feature your organization on our media platforms including Uzima’s website.
– Assistance in increasing the profile and legitimacy of your work. These include news, events, programming ideas and activities with other organizations.
– Letters of support from Uzima when your group seeks funding. Uzima currently has charitable status and can act as a trustee.
4. Corporate membership:
– Uzima will publicize your business during our fundraising dinners and our website.
– Your company will receive a tax receipt for donations to Uzima due to our charitable status
– Enhanced profile for giving back nationally in Canada and globally to other communities you serve.
– Letters of support from Uzima when your group seeks funding or other partnerships.
There are three categories of membership as shown below.:
1. – Community member: Individual $20 nonrefundable, $10 annual subscription
– Joint spouse $30 nonrefundable, $15 annual subscription
2. Group membership: $50 nonrefundable, $20 annual subscription (# of people and definition of “group”)
3. Cooperate membership: $75 nonrefundable, $40 annual subscription
Members of Uzima are the backbone of the organization. They are integrally involved in the activities of the organization thus guiding us. Members will attend General meetings and Annual General meetings and will have the privilege to vote.
Members can be anybody, yourself, family members including sibling and friends as long as you can be an advocate or just interested in helping to move our cause forward. That is anybody with a passion to alleviate the burden of women affected by poverty and disease globally we need your membership. Kindly print and complete the membership form below, or email ( with it filled to us or print and mail to our address (100 Consilium Place, Scarborough Unit 200, ON M1H 3E3).